Leon Salcedo
Selected Publications
The Guitar and Violin Works of Blas Emilio Atehortúa as an Expression of His Syncretic Aesthetic: An Examination of Sonatina Op. 164 for Violin and Guitar. Latin American Music Center (LAMC) Catholic University of America. News Letter December 6 2024. https://mailchi.mp/fa92de131851/welcome-newsletter-fall-2023-108ihy2a6g-17448564?e=00b2418a5c
Guitar Improvisation Preparation and Practice: A Digital-Assisted Approach Integrating Set Theory and Mechanical Gesture Exploration. Salcedo, L., Zuniga-Zabala, M.F., Guerra-Gomez, J.A. (2024). In: Brooks, A.L. (eds) ArtsIT, Interactivity and Game Creation. ArtsIT 2023. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, vol 564. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-55319-6_12
Inventario de obras latinoamericanas para violín y guitarra. Siglos XX y XXI Perilla, T. Salcedo, L. Galindo, D. Editorial Universidad de Cundinamarca, 2021. ISBN: 978-958-5195-11-0. Doi.Org/10.36436/9789585195110
Guillermo Quevedo Zornoza. Breves anotaciones sobre su vida y obra Venegas, L. Salcedo, L. Pineda, S. Hernández, M. Munar, B. Editorial Universidad de Cundinamarca, 2021. ISBN: 978-958-5195-13-4. Doi.Org/10.36436/9789585195134
The Learning fields as a Strategy for Teaching the English language Morales, A, Cortes, R, Bendeck, A.Díaz, M,Losada, B. Salcedo L. Revista Espacios Vol. 41 (30) 2020. Art. 14. P. 164-179. 2020. ISSN: 0798-1015. www.revistaespacios.com/a20v41n30/20413014.html
Propuesta para la Implementación de un Programa de Iniciación Musical y Enseñanza de Guitarra (Nivel I) a través de Ensambles. ISBN: 978-958-59709-0-8. p.1210-1237